

Most religions have an end of times theme. Mohamed was needed in 700ce because both Judaism and Christianity were both failing to fulfil biblical scripture. The Jews refused to accept the messiah Christ and the Christian religion under Roman control had changed the status of almighty God from a monotheistic God to a Trinity God. Hence a vacuum existed needing filling. Islam has its same roots in Abraham as does both Christianity & Judaism. All of Moses writings, the Psalms including the Ten Commandments, most of the recognised Prophets including Jesus are in Islam. Some Christian beliefs including Christs return at the day of Judgement and his virgin birth. His mother the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the Quran. The philosopher Ibn Arabi said;

    “A Muslim is a person who has dedicated his worship exclusively to God “ 


Into to Islam[belief]



                             RAMADAN a typical meal during darkness.

    He has 99 names, but not the name YHWH

Allah is worshipped 5 times a day facing east his followers are some of the most devoted followers in the world. He is monotheistic unlike the Christian Trinity God. He it is claimed is the God of Abraham Musa and Isa they are his prophets but amongst his 99 names the Tetragrammaton is missing. Yahweh or the English translation via Latin is Jehovah, they are names he is not called. Abraham was called Gods friend and Jesus claimed to be his Son. Allah does not offer his friendship and his worshippers are slaves not sons. Jesus said his followers should pray the “Our Father” prayer to Christian followers but Allah is not a father to his followers. The Jews also feel they can be family members sons and daughters and friends of Almighty God. So who is Allah?

Islamic Scholar says:

Allah sent messages to Muhammad via the angel Jibreel these messages made up the Quran he was particularly blessed with revelations when he was wearing his favourite wife’s clothes some non Muslims claim. The say his other 8 wives complained of his favouritism to Alisha but he said when he was wearing their clothes he recieved no revelations. Video:

Please Note devoted followers of The Prophet Mohammed hotly deny the word ‘dress‘ is a wrong translation saying it is a ‘blanket’ from his wife Alisha’s bed.

Potted History

Go To LGBT for Muslim Transgendered members.


               Prohibited Food — recorded in Torah 

”However, you must not eat the following; animals ..with solid hooves (the pig): the camel. the hare, and the rock badger..They are unclean for you.” Deut14:7,8 nwt

Prohibited Food — recorded in Torah 

However, you must not eat the following; animals ..with solid hooves (the pig): the camel. the hare, and the rock badger..They are unclean for you. Deut14:7,8 nwt

FAMILY the family unit is greatly valued in Islamic communities, children are protected from western decadence that includes atheistic teachings mainly espoused by so called scientific evolutionist experts. A beautiful family heirloom is produced and valued by families it’s called ‘Atlas of Creation’ by Harun Yahya.

A'ala, al'la: Why a Vacuum existed with a need for iz'lamik due to failings of christian & Judaism.      Into to Islam[belief]

1st Mosque Al-Masjid Al-Haram . Muhammad burial Mosque in Medina Saudi Arabia location of the Hajj and above picture Al-Aqua Mosque in Jerusalem. The smallest Mosque is located in Iraq, Mir Mahmood Saheb masjid just 9’x 12’.

   Picture credit mosque Jerusalem.             

                    Hajj the Black STONE

Muslims are expected to pilgrimage once in there lives to Mecca in Saudi Arabia when able they visit certain hills and circle the Haff 7times and kiss the black stone before returning to there home countries.

Apparently the pagans prior to Muhammad’s visit used to do the same activities of walking around the stone and kissing the rock, but they also had 360 idols that surrounded the HAFF. Muhammad himself destroyed all these idols knowing these were condemned by Allah. These pagans did it in worshiping the gods of the 7 stars above the crescent moon. Interestingly the crescent moon was adopted by Mohammad and is seen in Islamic holy writings and on national flags. 


For the one lunar month of Ramadan devotees fast during daylight.

So why eat and drink nothing for a whole month during daylight hours? Two reasons are mentioned, one to understand less fortunate fellow humans and two; to focus on religious matters, reading the Quran and spending time with fellow devotee’s most esspecially after sundown. Not everybody has to participate elderly groups and pregnant woman & children are excluded. Some of these do practice for a few days it’s a personal decision. What has been noticed is food wastage during the month since adherents gorge themselves during darkness hours. Up to double food consumption and wastage is experienced in Muslim countries during the celebration. For a brief experience see:  http://behindthenewsramadan

This insightful volume discredits the theory of evolution as unscientific and proves how unscientific the fossil record is with beautiful pictures and illustrations. See  bottom of Page.

    Please note Allah (his followers are slaves not his children) is not Yahweh (God of the Jews)

  • His Power & Creative Abilities show us that the holy writings say all things come from him. All life emanate from him that not only life on earth and the known physical universe, all the power locked into the atom comes from him. So the trillions of atoms come from his person, when man breaks one we have an atomic bomb. God does not have power, he is the source of it.

  • When Musa asked to see God ‘he said you cannot see me and live’ so his messenger {Isa} showed him a vision of Gods back’, and ‘make all my splendour pass before you’ ‘When the dazzling light of my presence passes by, I will put you in an opening of a rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by’ When he returned from Mt Sinai with the 10 commandments from the Torah his face was ‘glowing red’ ‘emitted rays’ and the shining causing the people to fear him. EXODUS 33 &34. God is a spirit so the term ‘hand‘ denotes protection In the same way a parent will hold the hand of a young child. Musa was permitted to know Gods personal name and able to use in in the covenant that was made with the Israelite nation;


            “I am Yahweh, to Abraham and Isaac ..I appeared as El Shaddai {Lord}; I did not make myself known to them by name Yahweh {Jehovah}. Also I made a covenant with them.” Ex 6:4 JB   

  •                                         .                 
  • Eve stated on the birth of her first baby, “with the help of Yahweh“ Genesis 4:1 This means that Adam and Eve knew God’s personal name. Scholars believe the former prophets knew God’s personal name but it was not in a covenant agreement making the Israelite nation ‘a people for his name’, a nation as his own. A chosen nation. Since all power emanates from him so does all life. 

                  ‘You take away their spirit, they expire, and return to the dust. 
                  You send forth Your spirit, they are created;’ In Torah
Psalm 104:27-30 JB

             He {Allah} fashioned man (Adam) and blew him from his spirit” Sonoran as-Sajdah 32:9 

     The chosen Nation was broken up about 700 bce when 10 Israelite tribes went into captivity and most were dispersed throughout   Europe the two left who returned to Israel became known as the Jews.

         Many Christians claim that Isa taught new teachings, that the Jewish God was cruel and the Christian God was Love but this is incorrect Prophet Isa (Jesus) taught from the Jewish teachings mainly the Torah which when asked to summarise the 10  commandments and the law he said “You should love Jehovah your God and the second commandment is You shall love your neighbour as yourself” Matthew 22:37 from Deuteronomy 6:4-9 chc

He was a loyal Jew his death did add one more aspect to Love, it was self sacrificing love. Even this had already been hinted at in the Torah. His Gender is obvious to his followers as a ‘He’ but what about the angels and other spirit creatures what are their gender? Where did sex come from and if God is masculine where did feminine come from? These questions are answered in LGBT

Section 3 Angels and Hell 

Angels, Cherubim intro video:

Angels were created individually by the Grand Creator before the known universe began, there are many types of spirit creatures some are called ‘angels’ only because the word means ‘messenger’ in both the Quran and the Torah three are mentioned seraphs, cherubs, angels and Abaddon and the Morning Star (fallen covering angel). Some of the leading faithful angels are called Israfeel and Jib-reel (Gabriel). In the Quran it says Allah created the demons that were lesser than humans whereas in the Torah says humans are a ‘little lower than the angel’. Again Demons were not created they were faithful holy angels who gave in to temptation and thus choose to follow a selfish course that would harm humanity and show disloyalty to the Grand Creator meaning they no longer wanted to be in his heavenly family. The condition is called ‘Tartarus’ 2 Peter 2:4 this verse mentions dense darkness and a pit. It also mentions they await judgement when the Day of Judgement comes. This is confirmed when the spirits mentioned this to Jesus while he was in his ministry.

ANGELS their fall and how? That made them into Demons.

Tartarus is not a literal pit its a spiritual condition described as darkness meaning that God is the light and they are not. The pit cannot be literal because they are free to roam both on earth and heaven. Jesus meet demons when on earth and even Satan appeared at the heavenly throngs challenging Yahweh’s servant Job and his faithfulness to Him. Job 2:1-5 JB These accounts were written by Musa.   

Why did these Angels rebel? The event when the angels entered Tartarus condition was at the flood of Noah’s Day. Prior to the flood event humans had been building a civilisation for about 1500 years since Adam and Eve had started a family, we do not know how many children Eve had, it could have been over 50 boys and girls who then moved out and married a brother or sister. We only know of three children since they are mentioned by name; Cain and Abel then when Adam was 130 yrs old he had a son called Seth. Adam lived to 930 years then died, it adds he ‘became father to Sons and daughters’. Gen 5:1-5 niv in the commentary says through Eve ‘mankind is one family it shares one flesh & blood’. This means humans had been created to live forever but with sin Adam & Eve lived long lives before they died. The genealogy of Adam listed in Genesis is repeated in Luke chapter 3 linking Adam to Jesus through David the royal kingly line meaning Jesus was in line to be King of Israel If he wished.
In Gen 6:1-3 says “When mankind had spread all over the world, and girls were being born, some of the supernatural beings saw .   that these girls were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever..From now on they will live no longer than 120 years”
Genesis 6:1-3

This is continued : go to Fallen Angels section

 HELL -Jewish - Christian - Islamic - Pagan including its history.

Jewish Hell is not contained in the Torah

Christian Hell and Pagan Hell is in section : Truth.

ISLAMIC Hell is explained in video on button 7 minutes. See picture: 

There are many levels of Hell in Islam the videos explains this comprehensively, Allah 

most certainly punishes his followers who upset him as well as infidels. He seems to enjoy it.

The Jewish God Jehovah states in the Torah in Jeremiah 7:31 that his followers the Israelite’s

were practising child sacrifice, “in the valley of Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters 

in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart (it did not even 

enter my mind GN). So the Israelite God never conceived such cruelty, so how is he capable of inventing 

hell? Jesus Christ was a Jew so his God was the same as theirs so how did Christianity come to believe in 

Hell? Please go to ‘Hell’ in Satan section :

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