LGBT- Truth

Some boys are surrounded by a mother and sisters without much access to male companionship this can enfeminise him, sometimes the mother is tempted to dress him to match his sisters. Girls also quickly realise they are living in a ’mans world’ that if they want to make progress they either either work through a man (boyfrIend) this is fine if they want to be a mum but if they have witnessed how unreliable men can be ( lots of single mums) they may also fancy women. This means a more aggressive stance is needed. This means enjoying being a ‘tomboy’ and enjoying building up masculine qualities. Many mannish women keep their names such as ; ‘Kate’ whereas transitioning men change their male name to fit the new persona. For male to female this generally means rejection of male self to new imagined female persona. For females they do not reject themselves they adapt themselves rejecting what society expects from women, for example fighting for woman's rights.

Religions lag behind society because their scriptures state clearly that gay and transgended people don‘t have Gods blessing. One point here is, it is not the condemnation of our friendships it’s the use of sex, or as explained below the misuse of sex. In Sodom and Gomorrah the cities were destroyed because of the perverted sex practiced including same sex rape, sexual child abuse. Visitors to Lot (a good man) were wanted by a mob outside his house, for sex, Lot was embarrassed he even offered his Virgin daughter’s to calm them down. There are many gay people who don’t practice sex who are Christians. Yes they get sexual feelings but they control them. Even heterosexual people need to practice self- control other wise they too would mis-use sex by having an affair or sex ‘on the side’. Bear in mind; why is sex available to us?
What is its purpose? 

What is the history of Sex? See next:

Jordon Peterson discusses with Helen Joyce

’Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality”

 in the video interview lasting over 1 hr.

 Press button to view on YouTube.


Psychology of Transition

start HERE
community is it loved?

The norms within society have become very stereotyped this means boys are not expected to have their favourite colour as pink and girls are expected to be happy wearing a dress. If a boy wants to play with dolls there is some thing wrong with him. Girls are expected to be gentle and boys to be rough but in truth this puts on pressure on them that effects them growing and liking what society expects of its citizens, fortunately society is changing. 

Men who have fully transitioned to become their ideal feminine persona often realise that they are still not satisfied with their new persona this is illustrated by the high suicide rate of 20%. The problem here is the fantasy woman they want to be is just a fantasy she is not real. So even with the change they remain unhappy. The key is if you look in the mirror and don’t like yourself maybe a way of liking yourself can be found by not changing who you are but by finding parts of your personality you like, that you can develop these so you can increase your inner happiness. Some if young are very happy to transition and fit into society as the person they always wanted to be. In older people the physical barriers are usually too greater a challenge.

Anthems 2min

There are government sponsored organisations that assist and advise gay and transgender issues for Canada & US ; and in U.K. and Europe:

In IRAN transgender surgery is partially state funded it’s the 2nd highest conversion rate behind Thailand in the world. Many gays who don’t want to transition will usually leave the country but those determined to stay are assisted to stay with this state support.

History testifies that many gay people over the centuries have suffered greatly, so how did this all get started?

The Invention of Sex and Gender for this Planet.

This has changed the universe and introduced a new factor that changed the status-quo this factor is the feminine. Procreation a new factor based on sex for most life forms on earth. This new factor was the first in the known universe and others we know not thereof. The LGBT community is not new it started about 4500yrs ago and the ones who experimented most of all were not human. The Grand Creator invisioned the Introduction of Sex that it was purely for pleasure related to the propagation of the species. He has the view that sexual activity outside these parameters is misuse of the sexual organs that are his gift to us. This is why the three main religions condemn these sexual practices as unclean. If these claims are correct then the Grand Creator is entitled to set his own standards of operation. The point here is when you purchase a product or service you are usually required you to comply with these conditions of usage. If you chose to breach these conditions then the service is terminated in our case, it can be our lives.

Christianity, Islam, Jewish religions all condemn men presenting themselves as women, hetrosexual sex outside marriage, gay sex and beastiality.

The laws in western countries are much more lenient, as you can read; gay marriage, gay clergy, equal rights law including serving in some military forces are now allowed.

In Iran the Islamic government sponsors reassignment surgery see: 

Why do they sponsor? Islamic law forbids homosexuality but approves marriage between male and male (one transitioned to female).

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Laws and Justice see video: click picture

The TRUTH  What is it, Where does it come from?

‘I am the Way the Truth and the Life’ John 14:6 REB

This question above was asked by the Roman governor of Judea, Pontus Pilate, while he was questioning Jesus Christ concerning his arrest by Jewish secular & religious authorities who claimed he was a seditionalist that threatened Rome. Pilate quickly learned this was entirely untrue, he liked Jesus and was impressed by his demeanour his wife had also spoken up for Jesus to her husband since she had seen him in his preaching to the crowds of Jews, the common people. She begged him to let him go. Pilate asked this question since he perceived Isa knew the answer he never received the answer in fact Jesus remained silent. Pilate was displeased and told the Jewish law council that he felt Jesus was innocent of their charges. They not only were defiant they instigated a mob, created a disturbance, Pilate even tried to reason with the mob by offering a prisoner exchange, he believed they would never take up a murderer, yet they accepted the exchange. Pilate then asked for his attendants to bring him a bowl of water, he then washed his hands in front of these people saying, ‘I wash my hands of this affair, let his blood be on your hands’. This crazy mob said ‘yes and our children’. Then Christ was sent off to his execution after the traditional flogging. Pilate asked Jesus ‘who are you’ since the chief priests had said ‘he says he is God’s Son’. It said Pilate became ‘fearful’. Matthew 27:15-26 John 18:19-40 & 19:1-16 GN & nwt

Jw q

He is clear in his gender choice, so when he and his Son chose to create life on planet earth they decided to introduce a system that would allow the life forms to reproduce themselves whether they are insects, birds, mammals, animals or humans. So how could they do this, would they be able to introduce the feminine? Please note there is no scriptural record of the feminine sex, the angels are sexless but it’s not clear they are entirely male. Their visits to humans on earth sometimes as materialised men is shown in there eating with both Lot and Abraham. There was something different about them that enabled these faithful prophets to recognise them specifically as messengers from God. Of course most angelic visitations did not need them to ‘put on skin and bone’ as when the angel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary.

So Where did God get the feminine from? Himself — He is recorded in the Torah when he says; “Let us make man our image, male  and female” Genesis 1:27 So does God have female attributes? Yes! in his description of his creative acts regarding creating this planet, let’s see how he puts it:-

    ”Before the mountains were born , or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth are God” psalm 90:2         .   “in the shadow of your wings..sons of men take refuge.” psalm 36:7 “Jehovah the God of Israel under whose wings you seek.   ,    .     refuge” Ruth 2:12 nwt Jesus says about himself, “How many times have I wanted to put my arms around you people,         .    just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,” Matthew 23:37 gn ”During his (Isa) life with “ strong outcry’s & tears” Hebrews 5:7

Both Almighty God and his Son express both masculine and feminine qualities this means more masculine traits are in man and more feminine traits are in woman. God himself and his Son have these qualities in balance, men and women do not. There is the well known saying in the LGBTQ community that ‘he is in touch with his feminine side’. Another parental saying by mothers is ‘big boys don’t cry’. This is why a marriage union between man and woman is called in scripture, as a ‘holy union’ if both parties include their connection with their heavenly parent. This means they need to respect him and obey his marriage commands, his commands are simple love each other and love their heavenly Parent. If they fail in this endeavour then another saying applies; ‘men are from mars and women are from Venus’ and ‘men think and women feel’. These differences are an advantage when both parties understand and combine these gifts they have been endowed with. When issues are not dwelt with together arguments can erupt. Men are often accused of trying to solve problems without considering the feelings

 involved this is because they lack these qualities that women have. A man will try to solve a problem whereas a woman‘s approach is to listen to the feelings expressed and provide emotional support. Individuals can work on character development by practice and by spending time with people who have these qualities in abundance. Many women express that being friends with gay men is pleasurable because they have worked on their feminine qualities making them more considerate friends.
When the Grand Creator built Eve he used part of Adams flesh to make the point to Adam that their joining was much greater than just a friend ship. 


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