Fallen Angels/Satan

Fallen Angels [ALIENS] - Satan - Hellfire

Angels were created holy this is explained after what we believe is likely the reason they 'forsook there proper dwelling place' Jude 6 

 Humanity spread all ‘over the world’ would indicate a large population, and the land area was bigger and sea smaller because the water at the flood had not fallen. See article: http://www.christiananswers.net 
Type in ‘flood waters.    Animation:

Picture credit of Satan controlling human society: in next section.

This means these angels took advantage of this human society. They may have convinced themselves they were being philanthropic helping this fledgling society advance which they did, they may have believed that a mixed race would have helped in the advancement as well as filling their personal needs of parenthood. They may have convinced themselves that the Grand creator would overlook their actions since angels are scripturally considered superior and above humans. So they may have felt entitled to parenthood that humans possessed. The first rebel angel may have been involved in convincing these angels. However whatever their reasoning was it resulted in harm and abuse of the existing human society as time passed. The giants probably were not only violent but sexual abusers, making existing society ‘that the thoughts of his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day long. Yahweh regretted having made man on the earth’Gen 6:5,6 JB

‘He was sorry {heart broken nwt} he ever made them…he said ‘I will wipe out all these people..But the LORD was pleased with Noah’GN . So theCreator was so distressed by the moral decay he felt the world was ruined. Fortunately he changed His mind.

By following there own desires they severed their relationship with their Heavenly Father abandoning love and embracing selfishness causing them to take advantage of the lesser humans and thus abusing them, the result planetary ruination. Satan was recorded as the first man-slayer, Cain the first human murderer and these angels as the first serial abusers in history and they are still doing this today on earth. They are the original abusers, these disgusting Demons. This is a warning for us today over 20 million practised abusers let loose on us the human race. They are fascinated with humans particularly vulnerable women and children, and those with the disabilities. Jack-the -ripper, serial killers, genocidal rulers all have one thing in common. They hear voices, receive suggestions they believe are their own thoughts and act them out. They have been manipulated for the pleasure of these evil ones.

Justice and Punishment 

These rebels caused the ruination of the pre flood world, they continue to abuse humanity, their leader Satan has manipulated humanity for all out war using weapons of mass destruction, for him it is rule or ruin. In the Apocalypse it says, “I saw an angel..having the key of the Abyss..He seized the ..devil and threw him into ..the lake of fire.” NIV commentary says ‘Satan power is not eternal, he will meet his doom..he will be destroyed’. Revelation 20:1-10 

ALIENS or Fallen Angels - Satan - Hellfire

Why did they 'forsake their proper dwelling place' heaven & visit earth? This is explained in next section. This deals with their thinking and the setting. Angelic setting. http://answersingenesis.org/noahs-ark/pre-flood-populationThe estimated population of the pre-flood world was 241million over a period of 1656yrs. The report says it may be much higher due to couples having larger families. Angels fancy earth women and put on ‘flesh and bone’ materialise as men, marry these women and father children. See:- http://chasingalion.com/angels-married-women

 “In those days and even later, there were giants on the earth   . who were descendants of human women and supernatural . . beings (sons of God ). Genesis 6:4 GN.  They were the great heroes and . . famous men of old‘. (The Nephilim, high-bred children) see http://youtu.be/mn4tp2jW10w

The angels made themselves good looking having charming personalities, so they became irresistible to these beautiful women, it’s possible they married more than one women meaning polygamy was possibly started by them. These women only realised the problem during pregnancy, these babies grew bigger making birth harder and they eventually became giants. Because they were high-bred the angels mimicked sperm, but they were not from earthly soil meaning genetic incompatibility in the genes. The side effect was giant offspring and who also were sterile. These children grew into men must have been very frustrated individuals and being so large made violence inevitable. How many angels were involved within human society? Scripture mentions Satan dragging 30% of God‘s loyal angels that are listed at being more than 100 million. This means as many as 20 million could have been involved, imagine the effect this caused on human society. What else could have been morally introduced by these angels did some materialise as women? Was Transgender-ism introduced by these unauthorised visitors? Did these angels share their superior scientific knowledge with this fledgling human society providing them with advanced technology that some on other YouTube sites claim? Flight, electricity, transportation. Many claim the pyramids indicate superior knowledge and the building was accomplished by super strong humans (giants). We do not know since the scriptural record lacks details on this subject.

The creation of the angels - Cherubim - introductory video: http://youtu.be/-bMRxQbLUlg

Angels were created individual by the Grand Creator before the known universe began, there are many types of spirit creatures some are called ‘angels’ only because the word means ‘messenger’ in both the Quran and the Torah three are mentioned seraphs, cherubs, angels and Abaddon and the Morning Star (fallen covering angel). Some of the leading faithful angels are called Israfeel and Jibreel (Gabriel). In the Quran it says Allah created the demons that were lesser than humans whereas in the Torah humans are a ‘little lower than the angel’. Again Demons we’re not created they were faithful holy angels who gave in to temptation thus choosing to follow a selfish course that would harm humanity and show disloyalty to the Grand Creator causing Him to expel them from his heavenly family. The condition is called ‘Tartarus’ 2 Peter 2:4 this verse mentions dense darkness and a pit. It also mentions they await judgement when the Day of Judgement comes. This is confirmed when the spirits mentioned this to Jesus while he was in his ministry.

ANGELS their fall and how? That made them into Demons. http://youtu.be/CamYtVpoTNk

Tartarus is not a literal pit its a spiritual condition described as darkness meaning that God is the light and they are not. The pit cannot be literal because they are free to roam both on earth and heaven. Jesus meet demons when on earth and even Satan appeared at the heavenly throngs challenging Yahweh’s servant Job and his faithfulness to Him. Job 2:1-5 These accounts were written by Musa.

Why did these Angels rebel? The event when the angels entered Tartarus condition was at the flood of Noah’s Day. Prior to the flood event humans had been building a civilisation for about 1500 years since Adam and Eve had started a family, we do not know how many children Eve had, it could have been over 50 boys and girls who then moved out and married a brother or sister. We only know of three children since they are mentioned by name; Cain and Abel then when Adam was 130 yrs old he had a son called Seth. Adam lived to 930  years then died, it adds he ‘became father to Sons and daughters’. Genesis 5:1-5 niv in the commentary says through Eve ‘mankind is one family it shares one flesh & blood'.   This means humans had been created to live forever but with sin Adam & Eve lived long lives before they died. The genealogy of Adam listed in Genesis is repeated in Luke chapter 3 linking Adam to Jesus through David the royal kingly line meaning Jesus was in line to be King of Israel if he wished.
In Genesis 6:1-3 it says “When mankind had spread all over the world, and girls were being born, some of the supernatural beings saw .   that these girls were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever..From .   now on they will live no longer than 120 years” verses 6:1-3

HELL -Jewish - Christian - Islamic - Pagan including its history.

Jewish Hell is not contained in the Torah

Christian Hell and Pagan Hell is in section : Satan

ISLAMIC Hell is explained in video on button 7 minutes. Here: 

There are many levels of Hell in Islam the videos explains them comprehensively, Allah 

most certainly punishes his followers who upset him as well as infidels. He seems to enjoy it.

The Jewish God Jehovah states in the Torah in Jeremiah 7:31 that his followers the Israelite’s

were practising child sacrifice, “in the valley of Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters 

in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart (it did not even 

enter my mind GN) “nwt. So the Israelite God never conceived such cruelty so how is he capable of inventing 

hell. Jesus Christ was a Jew so his God was the same as theirs so how did Christianity come to believe in 


Islam HELL

DANTE’s HELL - where did it come from?
?So if the whole conception of Hell did not come from the God of the Israelite nation since he said ‘it had not even come into my heart’, Jesus reiterated this demonstrating this in his life course “ he said I came ‘to save not to judge’. In our case ‘the wages sin pays is death ’Romans 6:20-23 GN . So what is being said here is the sins committed by us are paid at death. Death is full payment, meaning we owe nothing else for our life course on earth. It is like a loan is fully paid up we are debt free. Since we a debt free how is it that a person qualifies for further punishment? Even in today’s society torture is not lawful, only rogue countries who have been found guilty of torture they are considered to be guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity. The torture they chose to implement was for the purpose of deliberate cruelty and to extract information. If human justice considers temporary torture as a ‘crime against humanity’ how is it possible for a ‘God of Love’ to have a specific place for torture of whoever he chooses to suffer in such a manner, and not just temporarily but forever. Only an Evil personage would conceive of such an idea. Gods enemy who historically tormented people on earth. His actions to Job illustrate it is Satan the leader of all the fallen angels who claimed to be ‘the ruler or this world’ is Hells inventor. Jesus agreed. 
The shinar religion in Mesopotamia had a torturous afterlife, Egypt had the underworld a place visitors wanted to escape from. Thousands of years before Christ and Mohammad the teachings of hell suffering in the afterlife were followed. In the land of shinar some 200yrs after the flood of Noahs day a king nines)and his consort Semiramis who boar a son Tammuz , she was worshipped as a goddess and her son it was claimed was a son of the gods. The first statutes were made of a Virgin goddess holding her baby son. and United the population in building a zigerate he was not only a political king but was also worshipped as a god so the afterlife was also taught meaning the teaching of hell began at this time.
(Mohammad in 700 ce incorporated these beliefs into Islam and after 400 ce the Catholic Church also, from 300 common era adopted most of the Roman empire‘s beliefs that came from pagan Greece and they relabelled them with a Christian veneer. More on Hell go to:
http://www.therealgospelofchrist.com/hell. (Type in Hell). Dante’s depiction of hell was painted and written as a poem in 1317 ce to celebrate the history of hell as a teaching of the Catholic Church. This teaching uses fear in controlling the population who were mainly surfs that work for the medieval lords, during the feudal system. It effectively used fear in keeping these poor people from rebelling. This teaching enabled the Catholic Church to use the inquisition to torture non Catholics into converting to their religion. Islam also used similar methods to subdue conquered peoples but with less cruelty.
Modern Times over 130 years ago a number of Bible students asked in their churches; Why do you teach Hell Fire when God is meant to be a God of Love? Although the Protestant Reformation was when many Christians left the Catholic Church to set up their own Protestant churches most of the Catholic teachings taught, they continued to follow including Hell, some gave up being religious others broke away to form bible student groups. One group became called Jehovah’s Witnesses that is well known today as world wide preachers
https://jw.org their website has much to say on Hell since it was this very subject that caused their existence. The site is available in over 1000 different languages. A chapter titled ‘What Kind of Place Is Hell?’ this comprehensibly covers this subject and can be read online on jw.org in their ‘online library section under Books then choose ‘You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth’ book,chapter 9. More specific detail in ABOUT section of this site. Satan has continued his first spoken Lie when he said to the vulnerable first woman Eve that if she ate she would not die. He tells us through religion that when we die we don’t really die we live on somewhere else. Death means non existence, see chapter 8 of the above book.
Gehenna was the term used to describe the burning fire symbolising destruction. This was the name of a garbage dump outside the  city of Jerusalem that burned with fire and sulphur day and night. Rather like a open air rubbish incinerator. This is the most hygienic method of garbage disposal it’s purpose is to completely destroy rubbish as we do today. So the lake of fire being Gehenna must mean total destruction not a living torture area for humans. In Revelation 20:14 it says “death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire” then 21:4 nwt “ death will be no more”. This indicates the conditions of human death and the grave will be gone meaning death will be no more. How wonderful that Almighty God and his Son ensure that human death is gone, humans will live unending. They also reassure us that the devil and his demons will also be cast into the lake of fire, meaning permanently gone - ceased to exist.


Satan Morning Star* - Covering Cherub - Lucifer - Ash-Shaytan - Iblis - sin - Old Nick - Belial - Angel of Light.         

 Satan the Devil has never revealed his name prior to his fall.
Satan Video intro:

 *some claim Jesus and Satan are both called ‘morning star’ In Job 38:7 ‘the morning stars, joyfully called out together’ then it called them ‘sons of God’ these are all of the heavenly spirits including all the holy angels.(whom at the time of creation Satan was still a faithful angel).

These pictures show some of this fallen chief angel perceived characteristics, 

  1. The Tempter - showing friendliness to deceive - successful by Lying - resulting in Death
  2. Pictures of Red horned beast that inhabits Hell - The claim God created hell and assigned him to be ruler.
  3. Lucifer a tv series where he leaves Hell as it’s King but likes being human fallen in love with detective runs a night club.
  4. An angel of light that he can transform Back into as a former cherub.

Satan like all the other names he has are titles meaning, rebel, resister, deceiver, leader of the demons and, god of this world. This original angel it’s is believed was one of the first created see this verse:-

 ’How did you fall from the heavens, Daystar, (oh shining One)son of dawn?..above the stars of God, I will lift up my throne..I will rival the Most High” Isaiah 14:12,13 nwt & JB “ One day the Sons (angels) of God (take their station) came to attend Yahweh, and among them was Satan. So Yahweh said to Satan where have you been? Round the earth..roaming about..did you see my servant Job..but Job is not God-fearing..you..put a wall (of protection) around him..take it away and see him curse your face”Job 1,2 JB 

In quick succession his possessions are raided and lost and all Jobs children are killed when a windstorm that destroys their house. The scripture in Isaiah also applied to the king of Babylon, the Job scripture was written by Musa. Gods only follower in the earth remains faithful to God despite the attacks by Satan who organised the situation of disaster on Job including a windstorm created by Satan Himself.

Please note Satan is never mentioned as being a resident in Hell but his activities are all recorded in his dealings with humans that included his temptation of Jesus “the Devil took him (via a vision) to an unusually high mountain..and showed him all the kingdoms (political)of the world and their glory’..do one act of worship‘ to me and I give you all this. Jesus said Go away. Matthew 4:1-11

This was a valid temptation he really was able to control all human political governments, he was able to effect weather, he could give visions, and he was acknowledged by Jesus as the ‘ruler (prince) of the world’.John 12:31 NIV (in its commentary it clearly states this is Satan)  This also means he could control religions and the financial and commercial system. Being very cleaver he remains not seen keeping behind the scenes while manipulating events as he wishes. The only times he fails is if God Himself intervenes, or if faithful servants of God resist him as Job and Jesus did. Notice what he wanted from humans! WORSHIP see picture below;

The lie that he is not here but in Hell effectively causes humans not to realise events on earth are being manipulated instead regarding a devil they think he is a red horned monster in Dante’s Hell.

Did you notice his challenge to Yahweh was conducted before God’s heavenly assembly at Gods throne. This is in Heaven, according to the believers of Hell he is not meant to be before God in Heaven.

Please go t oHell section also below:

His History: In Ezekiel chapter 28:13-19 , it says:-

  “You were in the Garden of Eden..you were adorned with  every precious stone..on the day you were created. I assigned you as a anointed covering cherub ..You were faultless (perfect)in your ways from the day you were created..Until unrighteousness (or evil)was found in you..you began to sin..So I will cast you out..Your heart became haughty (swollen with pride) because of your beauty..you will cease to exist for all time” nwt JB

Did you notice it says he will cease for all time, not living eternally in hell. Some commentators claim this only is about the King of Tyre which did have some of these qualities evident but he was not created in heaven as a perfect cherub he was born as a sinful man like all humans. The account also says he was anointed by God, was he the covering Angel in the Garden of Eden? the one with oversight. We know for sure Satan was on hand in the garden of Eden and must have observed the two humans for a considerable time to work out a clever plan of temptation. Jesus adds when he confronted the Jewish religious leaders; “You are the children of your father the Devil, and you want to follow your fathers desires. From the very beginning (when Angel became the Devil) he was a murderer and has never been on the side of the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him because he is a liar and the father of all lies”. John 8:42-44

Jesus called him a murderer this was when he spoke the first lie to Eve who was deceived ending up in death for the couple and all their future children. So Satan invented something new in the universe the LIE. As a bonus he created Death, Rebellion. All life angelic and human has to choose the God they are prepared to follow Satan or Yahweh (Jehovah)!

New paragraph

The Issue of Universal Sovereignty

Satan said Job would recant his faith in God if http://youtu.be/GswSg2ohqmA

God stops protecting his servant. Bear in mind Job is unaware of an evil angel and this challenge yet he remains loyal to God. His children die, his wife leaves him, he looses all his property and has a terminal illness put upon him. So Satan failed to break Job. This sets the scene for satans behaviour to all humanity he genuinly, believes everybody will rebel if persuaded long enough. This is why he is dangerous to all humans and will never stop trying to turn us whilst he remains here on earth and remains alive. Eventually he and his fallen angels will be cast into Gehenna the lake of Fire that symbolically burned day and night. Some claim this means Hell but it means total destruction permanent death. See Hell section below.



Islam Hell
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