Jesus section complements
this section - his life history-
his bond of love with his Papa.
He Healed the sick LUKE 13:10-15 CSB
Jesus raised the dead, John 11:1-44 GN
Controlled the weather Mth 14:23-33 NWT
He taught by example and said, “he who has seen me has seen my father” JOHN 14:9 & ch17
Was this 1st visit a trial run for his 2nd visit?
The SECOND COMING of Jesus Christ is due because he said that humanity would reach a ‘CRISIS POINT’ where their own misrule would result in environmental catastrophe, escalation of war that could involve nuclear weapons, the breakdown of neighbourly relations between individuals within society. He said to his disciples who asked ‘when will you save the Jews?’ His answer was for saving the whole world, he mentioned a “Great Tribulation “ “the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has been, from the beginning of the world to this day. Nor will there ever be anything like it again. But God has already reduced the numbers of days; had he not done so NOBODY would survive. For the sake of the chosen people. God will reduce the days”. Matthew 24:21
”After this I saw an ENORMOUS CROWD, from every race tribe and nation..these are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecutions {Great Tribulation}” Revelation 7:9-15 GN nwt
This Great Tribulation was foreseen by God he has a contingency plan to intervene early so instead of extinction for humanity an enormous crowd survive. These are people who look to Christ for saving these ones (the ‘sheep’) are also facing a great persecution by the political nations at the arrival of Christ. Many existing Christian’s insist that the earth will be burned up at this time saying the survivors will become as angels in heaven and it’s true some will go to heaven but this scripture clearly states God intervenes to save PEOPLE who would survive to live on without tears and nor hunger or thirst. In heaven there are no people and they certainly do not eat food. As for the planet it says God says, ‘He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited’. Isiah 45:18 NIV
Thus if you made your house a home so you can enjoy living in it, if you emigrated and rented this house out, and the tenants did not pay the rent and tried to burn it down. What would you do? burn it down with these bad tenants in it or evict them and find tenants (the sheep like people) who would pay the rent and care for the property.
He has not come ‘in the clouds’ where all humans can see him Yet. Does he come invisibly? Many christian faiths believe his coming covers a period of 3 or 7 years where he starts the process of judgement that culminates in his visible return that brings the Day of Judgement and the battle of Armageddon with human political nations. Please note this war is to remove human rulers who are ‘ruining the earth' (planet reaching the critical point) so the planet, it’s ecosystem and animal life is saved. This will also include an ‘enormous’ great crowd of people. Revelation 7:9 (ruin or destroy earth. 11:18) The purpose of this time period is for the people on this planet to choose either political promises of peace or the message of Christ.
If church organisations say follow the political promises then people must not follow this advice since it is a trap. So just because politicians or religious leaders make grandiose promises together don’t be deceived, it will also be much easier to go along with the government, those who do not will become increasingly unpopular, but Jesus warned not to follow false messiahs. Our very lives will be at stake. Please read all of chapter 24 of Matthew, this deals with the warnings, the fears, the signs, the comparisons to Noah some parts that will need further explanation. The JW religion says that Jesus came invisibly in around 1914 it is true that Christ has been watching events occur, that a period approaching the final end was approaching where the vital preaching work was carried out worldwide by Christians carrying the personal name of God ‘Jehovah’ to all of humanity. They quote the phrase ‘Jesus will ‘separate the sheep from the goats’. This final action is completed just prior to Christs return ‘were every eye will see him’. So every human must choose not any particular religious membership but to become a figurative sheep meaning they put their faith in Christ coming. Those who take the easy path where support is provided by the political authorities to reassure their citizens that everything will be fine and that they have established a lasting ‘peace and security/safety‘ this is a trap, a lie however they themselves will believe it. See 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 NIV GN
‘everything is quiet and safe’.
So some have expressed the opinion that they feel a darkness, a gloomy atmosphere descending on earth, that has been felt since the beginning of the lock-downs with COVID 19 since March 2020. Many feel something is very wrong but can’t put their ‘finger on it’. Has the process prior to Christs visible arrival begun? The signs listed in Matthew 24 have been happening so we are in the ‘last days‘ or about to enter the ‘end of times’. One thing with prophesy is that it’s difficult to understand till it’s already happened so we must wait and see. The most important issue will be worship/allegiance that the political authorities will insist on from their citizens, this labelling is described in Revelation 13:16-18 as it,
The Wild Beast represents the ruling political authority. Once humans have shown their allegiance they are symbolically marked with the ‘human number’ 666, three 6’s emphasises reoccurring 6’s meaning they never reach the divine number 7. A fake number, a number leading to death and the loss of any sort of blessing from Christ on the Day of Judgement. What will life be like for survivors? See:
Satans Dragonlike Organisation
Jesus explains sign of Last Days
Jesus return
Jesus & angeliic armies
Jesus on White horse symbolises War
Kingdom Rule Starts
Satan & Demons cast out Heaven
Rule over earth begins
Just as in the days of Noah
Of course these survivors will not just sit around while miraculously a lovely house appears in this fantasy new world, it will be here, the survivors will be like those who survived the flood. To start again means we will be rebuilding our homes and towns. A lot of hard work will need to be done but it will be satisfying and as a community who have already started to show concern for one another as Jesus commanded there will be a United spirit of cooperation meaning that the building work can be done helping one another build each other’s homes etc. There will be no cell phones or cash machines since money will be gone. No rent no mortgage no debts, so how do we pay God as tenants of planet earth? With gratitude to Him and to love our neighbour that is our rent so it is really FREE
Those who take the words of Peters letter literally just need to read the verses in context: “First of all, you must . understand some people in these LAST DAYS ..whose lives are controlled by their own lusts..will mock.they purposely ignore the fact that..the earth was formed out of water, and it was also by water , the water of the FLOOD, that the old world was destroyed. But the heavens and earth that now exist are being preserved by God, in order to be destroyed by fire. They are being kept for the day when Godless People will be judged and destroyed” 2 Peter 3:3-7 GN
NEW WORLD. What will if be like? It happened before in Noah's day.
The FLOOD of Noah's Day provides a prelude to 2nd Coming
The events leading up to the Flood involved preparation, meaning Noah was provided with instructions from God 40yrs before the destruction of that world. A better phrase would be the destruction of present human society including its governmental, religious and human communities including the fallen angels. Gods said:
So as you noticed the Grand Creator gave specific instructions to Noah as well as sufficient time to prepare for the saving of the animals and his family as well as any others who wanted to join him on flood-day in the Ark. 2 Peter 2:5-9 says;
This means that holy scripture shows Gods track record is consistent in cleaning up humans moral and physical pollution of this planet.
So how about us as we witness the crazy behaviour of some individuals, governments who continue to lead humanity to oblivion? If you feel as we do, distressed by this madness, then that is the first step in our desire for change but change cannot be accomplished by human society but members of human society can desire and work for change by doing as Noah did by ‘following Gods instructions’. These instructions were given by Jesus to his disciples who recorded them in scripture. Start living as Jesus commanded that is ‘loving your fellow human’ and God. Noah not only gathered the animals he built a ship huge by those standards, cared for his family and spoke to his community, about his project providing an invitation to join him in this Ark. If you think this suggestion is worth laughing at; then they it says ‘mocked Noah’ they thought he was crazy. Noah was not viewed as a celebrity quite the reverse. He was a laughing stock day and night. So if you talk to somebody you meet about Gods rescue plan, how will most respond? How do you view a visit by those Jehovah’s Witnesses who knock on your door with this type of message? Many Christian religions preach this message of Christ coming again do you take heed, LISTEN? We mention the JWs because they are most know for this disturbing behaviour, they even stand in public with their carts. If you said I am going to be one of them can you imagine the response from your friends and family. We are not saying we encourage you to join any particular Christian group but the point here is, it is not a popular choice to copy Noah. Look what happened to Jesus, he was arrested, charged, and killed by the secular authority at the behest of leaders of the state religion. A political message such as the heroic stand by the Ukrainian president is much more welcome message by this worlds media and most of its citizens than the message of Christs imminent return.
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Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.